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The sustainable enterprise

Unit Code: LEO5102

Duration: 6 weeks

Contact Hours: 20-24 hours of study per week

Credit Points: 6


Sustainability is a growing concern internationally and a strategic priority for leading enterprises in every sector. As such, enterprises have unprecedented opportunities to adopt responsible practices, lead in sustainable development and take progressive positions on today’s global challenges: e.g. climate change, thriving communities and geopolitical security.

It’s entirely possible to run an enterprise that prioritises the wellbeing of employees, the community and the environment – all without sacrificing profitability. Sustainability has emerged as a core competency for enterprise and society.

This unit explores how enterprise can meet the needs of present and future stakeholders to operate both profitably and sustainably whilst accelerating societal change, the economy and the preservation of environmental integrity.

Learning Objectives

  • Understand the relationships between sustainability, government policies and enterprise strategies
  • Demonstrate the ability to develop and communicate a business case for sustainability
  • Gain familiarity with the conceptual frameworks and practical tools to apply sustainability in an enterprise setting.